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arch.projects | built
strawbale | ubuntu
strawbale | flo & amador
strawbale | patricia
strawbale | larix house
strawbale | unai & beatriz
strawbale | peter & esther
strawbale | vero & alfredo
strawbale | dosaguas
strawbale | mas d’en bot
wood | andrea
wood | manolo & elena
wood | mentxu
wood | ana & manuel
ytong | ana & carlos
reform | flat | micro
reform |coll.ronda
reform| internet&laundry
arch.projects| ongoing
strawbale | carlos & dolors
strawbale | francesc
strawbale | christian
strawbale | ceam
strawbale | hanna-Bi
workshops | educational
wood | greta project
permacultura | greenFabLab
water depuration | A.Pastó
constructionI | laSalle
earth&recycled | forum 2004
bioconstruction |leader 2000
collaborative | building